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Smartransgroup sea freight offers the most competitive rates as a mean of transport, where what prevails is the load consolidation in large vessels from several exporters. It is the most popular intercontinental transport option.Door to door service Thanks to our widespread agent network, we can offer a door-to-door service in any part of the world.Regular services To all the countries in the world, ensuring that the merchandise is being tracked en route and monitored at all time.Types of services Vessel shipping Loading services:Full containers FCL /FCL Dry, Open Tops, Reefer, Pallet Wide, Flat Racks, Platforms.Reliable service in containers LCL/LCL to all world destinations.Conventional service in the hold of the ship for any kind of merchandise.Special Roll-on/roll-off vessels transport for wheeled cargo.Extensive experience in any kind of goods haulage: perishable, hazardous, toxic ones, etc.Document management Cargo Services is in charge of all the documents related to the consignment and all ways of goods purchase and sale: letter of credit, forwarding after document reception, contracts, etc.Full coverage insurance For all specific operations to any part of the world.Smartransgroup Air Freight offers Charter Department From this specially designed department we provide your company an exclusive plane depending on the type of requirements of the merchandise at each moment and the distance it ought to be sent to.Door to door / Airport to Airport service Merchandise tracking and monitoring Cargo Services, via the top notch computer systems, monitors the merchandise 24h/day, being precisely informed about its shipment status at all time.Air cargo services: regular or priority Document management Cargo Services is in charge of all the documents related to the consignment and all ways of goods purchase and sale: letter of credit, forwarding after document reception, contracts, etc.Full coverage insurance For all specific operations to any part of the world.。


Smartransgroup sea freight offers the most competitive rates as a mean of transport, where what prevails is the load consolidation in large vessels from several exporters. It is the most popular intercontinental transport option.Door to door serviceThanks to our widespread agent network, we can offer a door-to-door service in any part of the world.Regular servicesTo all the countries in the world, ensuring that the merchandise is being tracked en route and monitored at all time.Types of servicesVessel shippingLoading services:Full containers FCL /FCL Dry, Open Tops, Reefer, Pallet Wide, Flat Racks, Platforms.Reliable service in containers LCL/LCL to all world destinations.Conventional service in the hold of the ship for any kind of merchandise.Special Roll-on/roll-off vessels transport for wheeled cargo.Extensive experience in any kind of goods haulage: perishable, hazardous, toxic ones, etc.Document managementCargo Services is in charge of all the documents related to the consignment and all ways of goods purchase and sale: letter of credit, forwarding after document reception, contracts, etc.Full coverage insuranceFor all specific operations to any part of the world.Smartransgroup Air Freight offersCharter DepartmentFrom this specially designed department we provide your company an exclusive plane depending on the type of requirements of the merchandise at each moment and the distance it ought to be sent to.Door to door / Airport to Airport serviceMerchandise tracking and monitoringCargo Services, via the top notch computer systems, monitors the merchandise 24h/day, being precisely informed about its shipment status at all time.Air cargo services: regular or priorityDocument managementCargo Services is in charge of all the documents related to the consignment and all ways of goods purchase and sale: letter of credit, forwarding after document reception, contracts, etc.Full coverage insuranceFor all specific operations to any part of the world.。








笔画和五行分别:8(土) 8(木) 8(水) 11(水)

此企业名数理为 35 ,其暗示的信息:

中吉之数,处事严谨,进退保守,学智兼备,生意安稳,成就非凡 。(吉)


笔画和五行分别:11(金) 5(金) 8(水) 11(水)

此企业名数理为 35 ,其暗示的信息:

中吉之数,处事严谨,进退保守,学智兼备,生意安稳,成就非凡 。(吉)


笔画和五行分别:14(水) 8(木) 8(水) 11(水)

此企业名数理为 41 ,其暗示的信息:

天赋吉运,德望兼备,继续努力,前途无限 。(吉)


笔画和五行分别:3(金) 15(水) 8(水) 11(水)

此企业名数理为 37 ,其暗示的信息:

逢凶化吉,吉人天相,风条雨顺,生意兴隆,以德取众,必成大功 。(吉)
